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Taxes And YOUR Internet Business

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Taxes And YOUR Internet Business

Postby Lynn Terry » Mon Jan 09, 2006 7:02 pm

I just got this email from Willie Crawford (see message below)
and I thought you might be interested in listening in to his
free teleseminar on Tax Issues as they relate to e-business.

People are constantly asking these questions on popular
discussion forums, so here's a chance to get some solid answers
from a pro!

Also, there's a new free download that is really creating a
buzz around the 'net this morning. It is a 'leaked chapter' of
the Butterfly Marketing package. If you haven't downloaded a
copy yet, you can go here to get it while it is still available:

Here's that message from Willie:

----- Message ----

"Free Teleseminar With Former IRS Agent and Accountant"

On Wednesday, January 11th, at 8PM EST, I'm hosting a
free teleseminar with The Renegade Former IRS Agent
Joe Trevison.

To confirm what time that is in your time zone, visit:

Joe has written a number of interesting books including,
"The Road To Paying No Income Tax" and "The Secrets of
the IRS by the Renegade Ex Employee."

On the teleseminar I'll ask Joe some of your most
probing questions about what structure your business
should be in, what types of records you need to keep,
how to dramatically reduce your business taxes, etc.
Naturally, the call with be focused on U.S. business
structure, but everyone is welcome!

The call is 100% free. You just need to register to
get the call-in details. To register, send a blank
email to our system at:

I look forward to hearing you on the call.

Willie Crawford

----- End of Message -----
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Lynn Terry
Site Admin
Posts: 14504
Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:01 am
Location: TN, USA

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