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Is YOUR Home Safe and Healthy???? Take a Second Look Here!!

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Is YOUR Home Safe and Healthy???? Take a Second Look Here!!

Postby melsbiz » Thu Oct 28, 2004 11:56 pm

Is Your Home A Healthy Home?

It's alarming but true - scientists and doctors have discovered that there is a connection between our health and the use of common everyday household chemicals. If yours is the typical home, you probably use dozens of cleaning and personal care products, purchased at the local grocery store, which contain chemical ingredients that could be harmful to your health and the health of your loved ones.

Have We Always Been This Sick?

One in three Americans will suffer with cancer.
Cancer is the number 2 killer of adults and the leading cause of death from disease in children.
Birth defects are on the rise.
Infertility is increasing - over 2 million couples unable to conceive.
Asthma rate has tripled - 20-30 million Americans currently afflicted.
Attention Deficit Disorder in adults and children is rising.

What Could Be Causing This?


Our greatest exposure to chemicals is right in our own homes!
We breathe chemical vapors from household products in the air,
We absorb chemicals into our skin while using household products to clean our homes
The home is where over 1.5 million young children are poisoned each year by a cleaning or personal care product!!


There is a connection between household chemicals and your health

They Wouldn't Sell It
If It Wasn't Safe...Would They?

A product that kills 50% of lab animals through ingestion or inhalation can still receive the federal regulatory designation "non-toxic."
Of the 17,000 chemicals that appear in common household products, only 30% have been adequately tested for their negative effects on our health.
No law requires manufacturers to list the exact ingredients on the package label.

Continued... They Wouldn't Sell It If It Wasn't Safe...Would They?

The FDA cannot regulate a personal care product until after it is released into the marketplace.
Neither personal care products nor their ingredients are reviewed or approved before they are sold to the public.
The FDA cannot require companies to do safety testing on their personal care products before they are sold to the public.
The FDA cannot require recalls of harmful personal care products from the marketplace.

The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health analyzed 2,983 chemicals used in personal care products. The results were as follows...

884 of the chemicals were toxic
314 caused biological mutation
218 caused reproductive complications
778 caused acute toxicity
148 caused tumors
376 caused skin and eye irritations


Hydrochloric Acid!

May Be Fatal!

Vapors Harmful!

Produces Chemical Burns!

Don't get in eyes, on skin or clothing!


Which Products? Which Chemicals?

Cleaning Products

Air freshener - toxic; may cause cancer; irritates nose, throat, and lungs.
Disinfectant - very toxic; causes skin, throat, and lung burns; causes coma.
Drain cleaner - toxic; causes skin burns; causes liver and kidney damage.
Oven cleaner - toxic; causes skin, throat, and lung burns.
Window cleaner - toxic; causes CNS disorders; causes liver and kidney disorders.
Spot remover - toxic; may cause cancer; causes liver damage.
All-purpose cleaner - causes eye damage; irritates nose, throat, and lung burns.
Toilet bowl cleaner - very toxic; causes skin, nose, throat, and lung burns.
The list goes on...

Personal Care Products

Shampoo - may cause cancer; irritates eyes, skin, and lungs.
Dandruff shampoo - may cause cancer; causes organ degeneration; causes CNS disorders.
Deodorant soap - may cause cancer; causes asthma; irritates lungs.
Bubble bath - causes bladder and kidney infections; irritates skin and nose.
Mousse and hair spray - may cause cancer; causes lung disease; irritates eyes and skin.
Mouthwash - toxic to children; may cause cancer.
Breath Spray - may cause cancer.
Cosmetics - may cause cancer; causes CNS damage; irritates skin and lungs.
Perfume/Cologne - toxic; may cause cancer; irritates skin and lungs.


Care taken while
handling formaldehyde.
Taken from a Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) which, by law, must be supplied to anyone who uses any chemical product in the workplace. The MSDS for formaldehyde warns: "Suspected carcinogen; May be fatal if inhaled, swallowed, or absorbed through skin; causes burns; inhalation can cause spasms, edem (fluid buildup) of the larynx and bronchi, and chemical pneumonitis; extremely destructive to tissue of the mucous membrane."

SHOCKING! Formaldehyde is a common ingredient in baby shampoo, bubble bath, deodorants, perfume, cologne, hair dye, mouthwash, toothpaste




Each year nearly 1.5 million accidental ingestion's of poisons are reported to U.S. Poison Control Centers.


Many products give off toxic vapors which can irritate your eyes, nose, throat and lungs, and give you headaches, muscle aches, and sinus infections. This process of releasing vapors into the air is called outgassing.


One square centimeter of your skin, an area less than the size of a dime, contains 3 million cells, four yards of nerves, one yard of blood vessels, and one hundred sweat glands.
Any chemical that touches the skin can be absorbed and spread throughout the body.

Home Is
Where The
Chemicals Are!!

By switching to safer, more natural products
you can make your home a healthy home!

Could this happen in your home?

More Dangerous Than Guns

Ninety percent of all poisonings occur at home between the hours of 4 and 10 PM, when children are home from school and playing in the house.

Accidents Happen To Adults, Too
Poisoning is the number one accidental killer in the home, accounting for over 3,000 deaths in 1985 and over 4,000 deaths in 1990.

What are the long term effects of Chemical Exposure?

The different diseases and conditions linked to chemical exposure are usually the result of long-term exposure. Just as one cigarette is not likely to give you cancer, one non-acute exposure to chemicals in cleaners probably won't harm you either. But we're talking about cumulative exposure to many different products: your mouthwash, conditioner, cologne or perfume, laundry detergent, window cleaner, and so on.

What most doctors and scientists who investigate and treat chemical-related illness contend is that the amount of chemical a person is exposed to is not as important as how sensitive a person might be. Some people can drink three beers and not be intoxicated. Others can feel groggy after drinking less than one beer. It all depends on a person's size and weight and the strength of their detox system.

Your body has a system that destroys and eliminates toxins. Many things that appear naturally in the environment are toxic, and we need to have a strong defense system against them.

Birth defects are the leading cause of death among children ages one to four.
More than 2 million American couples who want to have children are unable to do so.

The National Cancer Institute has a list of twenty know carcinogens and over 2,200 chemicals that are probable carcinogens. Many of these chemicals are in the cleaners and personal care products you buy at your local grocery store.
Carcinogens can cross the placental barrier. Exposure to carcinogens in the womb may cause childhood cancer by causing tumor development or by altering the baby's genes, leaving them with a predisposition to cancer.
Some parents constantly spray disinfectant into the air and on all surfaces in their baby's nursery. What they don't realize is they are exposing their children to formaldehyde, cresol, phenol, ammonia, ethanol, and chlorine.
Toxic Encephalopathy, brought on by repeated exposure to solvents over several years. Symptoms include memory loss, behavioral changes, emotional instability, confusion, inability to concentrate, neurological and personality changes, and problems with manual dexterity.
Young people are exposed to so many chemicals that many of them develop sensitivities.
Chemicals found in cleaners, personal care products, food, plastics, and even water, can cause this condition. Persons suffering with MCS lack the ability to adequately detoxify their bodies.

Life Is
Full Of Risks, helping your family keep themselves Well isnt one Risk you need to take!

Melaleuca, the right choice, a healthier lifestyle and a great way to keep your family well!!
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Joined: Fri Jul 02, 2004 8:38 pm
Location: California

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