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50 Ways to Generate Leads with Squidoo

Social Marketing strategies: using Web 2.0 Social Media apps & services to gain traffic and exposure to your websites. Discussions on Digg, Facebook, Twitter, Pownce, StumbleUpon, MySpace & more...

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50 Ways to Generate Leads with Squidoo

Postby annalaurabrown » Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:44 pm

1. Place an autoresponder capture box on your lenses. The easiest way to do this is by creating a widget at You must already have your autoresponder set up before this will work.

2. Strategically place links to your website on your lenses. You do not want to overdo it and in fact, you can't have more than 9 links to the same website on any lens. Be careful where you put them and make sure that you are not tricking people into clicking on your links.

3. Create a lens about your business opportunity. If you do a good job with this, then you will get lots of leads. Be sure to show people the benefits of your opportunity and to sell them without going overboard.

4. Create a lens about your products. Include information on how they can purchase the products.

5. Sell an info product on your Squidoo lens and then market your business to the same people. This can generate two sources of income for you. Make sure that you put all of your customers into one of your email marketing lists.

6. Advertise on Squidoo. You can use google pay per click and target keywords that will appear on Squidoo or you can purchase an ad to show directly on Squidoo. I would not do this until after you have a well established presence on Squidoo with your lenses.

7. Create such high quality lenses that you generate a large fan base of people who will potentially become leads for your business. This is crucial to your long-term success on Squidoo. People love high quality content.

8. Send squidcasts inviting people to look at your business. Every time you update a lens that relates specifically to your business send a Squidcast to your fans inviting them to take a look at your opportunity.

9. Put your phone number with an invite to look at your business in the intro or a text module. This is especially important when creating lenses that talk about your business. You need people to know that you are available to answer their questions.

10. Write your Squidoo profile in such a way that people are intrigued and want to look at your business. Use an attractive picture and an interesting introduction with a call to action.

Grab the rest of the ideas by going to the reports page from the link in my signature file.
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Re: 50 Ways to Generate Leads with Squidoo

Postby tms_seo » Tue Jul 21, 2009 1:40 am

thanks for this info. i really want to have an account on squidoo but dont know how to do it.
ill try doing this later :)
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