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What's Your Forum's Purpose?

PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 2:55 pm
by Kit Singleton
Just as your website has a main purpose, your forums have a purpose too. The forum's purpose may be different than that of your website. For example, your website's purpose may be to promote your ebooks and programs, while your forum's purpose may be to provide support for those products or simply to educate community members about your niche.

The question is...What does your forum do for you and your business?

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:30 pm
by Marc Meole
THis brings up a very good point...To really get ahead in business there really needs to be a Purpose in everything you do...

If you have a site, forums, blogg, myspace page, ect...or even post on any of the above...why do you do it...don't just do things because other people do them and make money...

Have a clear direction in everyting you do...