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Electoral Votes vs. Google Votes (Perry Marshall)

Methods & Tips for promoting your website, or affiliate programs, on the major search engines with pay-per-click advertising. Google Adwords, Overture, FindWhat, Kanoodle & more...

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Electoral Votes vs. Google Votes (Perry Marshall)

Postby Lynn Terry » Wed Nov 03, 2004 3:04 pm

Perry Marshall's email this morning was a good one - so I thought I'd share it here. Enjoy!


Friends and neighbors, here we are with yet another cliffhanger
election. The presidency is tottering in its edge in the state of Ohio.
Mr. Bush has 2,767,158 votes (51.4%) and Mr. Kerry is behind with 2,589,499 votes (48.1%).

But Kerry still has a very slim chance at winning.

And yes, that slim chance does matter. Terms like
"statistically significant" sound pretty mundane, until the
most powerful office in the world is at stake!

Well if you do Google AdWords the way I teach it, your
best two ads are always competing in their own election too, just like Mr. Bush and Mr. Kerry are today. You ***always*** create two ads instead of one and you always tally up the votes to see which ad is the winner and which one is the loser.

This is your #1 strategy for improving your CTR's and cutting your bid prices over time. Little changes make a BIG difference.

For example:

Simple Self Defense For Ordinary People - Easy Personal Protection Training

Simple Self Defense For Ordinary People - Fast Personal Protection Training

You just change "Easy" to "Fast" and the votes go up almost 50%!

So... was the winner really the winner? Or was it just luck?

That's what John Kerry needs to find out. And if it's important to him, it's important to you in your Google Ad Election, too. That's
why I created a no-cost web utility, just so you can test your ads and
find out if the winner was really a winner, or just lucky.

It's at - you enter the CTR of both of your ads and the number of clicks. It tells you whether it was pure dumb luck, or if you're 80% sure, 90% sure, 95% sure, or 99% sure the winner is really the winner.

I entered the Bush-Kerry results in - Bush, 2,767,158 clicks and 51.4% CTR vs. Kerry, 2,767,158 clicks and 48.1% CTR and it says "You are approximately 99%

99% IS good enough for your Google Ad, but it's not good
enough for Mr. Kerry today - he's looking for 100%. But whether you're testing your Google ads, your landing pages or whatever, savvy marketers always make sure they're sure. Because the election on Google may be just as important to YOU as El Presidente is to the Nation.

To Your Success,

Perry Marshall
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Lynn Terry
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