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I will start using WP today...questions

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I will start using WP today...questions

Postby edwinnyc » Fri Mar 28, 2008 7:22 am

I will be setting up my first WP static site some time today ...hopefully..:>)

I will need to set up some navigational buttons on top and bottom, besides my navigational buttons on the left side following the silo theme categorized method, and will need to create some forms like maybe 3 of them.

1) Any free tools to create forms easily!

2) There are sevices out there like wufoo that offer tools to build form at a cost then they wish to charge to keep your data on their database, do I really need to do this, can I not keep my own data if so what will I need to manage my own data i am with

3) I need to build forms that have a drop down state specific menu to select state and other drop down menus for other things are there forms with options from the start without me building it from scratch

4) What kind of issues will i have if i manage my own data, I will be generating leads for loans related products for me follow up by phone later on and close, I need to save this data and wish to know what is the best way to accomplish this without getting in trouble.

5) What kind of problems have others had if done incorrectly, what should I avoid doing like top 5-10 mistakes when setting up a database of eveyone filling out a form on ones site

6) I am thinking of using aweber at some point in the future, any feedback on how this can be worked in with my goals

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Joined: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:40 am

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