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"The Underachiever Mastery System"

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"The Underachiever Mastery System"

Postby Lynn Terry » Tue Jan 25, 2005 1:55 pm

"The Underachiever Mastery System"

I received a copy of Frank's "Underachiever Mastery System"
last week, which is not yet available to the public. I have
to say, it was WAY more than I expected.

There are 3 good-sized manuals/guides, and 3 sets of CDs/DVDs -
for a total of 22 discs. Here's what it's all about:

"The Underachiever Mastery System"
How to Create a Wildly Successful Internet Business Selling
Info Products to Highly Targeted Niche Markets!

You can see a picture of the course itself at: ... oot2_2.jpg

It wont be released until January 30th, and Frank is selling
ONLY 700 copies.

I have to admit that I haven't been watching this one very
closely, simply because I'm more known for building large
content/product sites in highly competitive markets.

That's worked out very well for me so far, but now Frank has me
anxious to dig in and learn all about "Micro Niche Marketing" or
Highly Targeted Niche Markets, as he put it.

So what's it all about? Head over with me, and let's check out
this new Audio file & 17-page PDF that Frank has put together on
the topic of Niche Marketing:

Frank goes into detail about creating Multimedia Products. This
is all new stuff, and was taken directly from the Underachiever
Mastery System.

What's great about selling downloadable multimedia
products to small niches is this:

1. They have a much higher perceived value
than ebooks you can charge more for them.

2. They are downloadable just like ebooks ...which
means you have ZERO "hard cost" whenever you sell one.

But perhaps the greatest thing about downloadable multimedia
products is that they're often EASIER TO MAKE than ebooks!

You can get a fully detailed case study that shows
you exactly how Frank Kern got one of his multimedia
products created here:

You get a 20 minute audio walk-through and a
17 page "cheat sheet" guide that takes you
through every step.

Plus, Frank also lets you have a copy of the product he
had created.

And the best part is, it's all free :-)

Go ahead and check that out, take Frank up on his offer,
and in the meantime I will dig into this huge "degreee in
a box" called the Underachiever Mastery Course and report
back in to let you know what I think of it ;)

I can tell you upfront that I'll be diving into this with
John Reese's recent comment in the back of my mind, where
he discussed the potential to turn "Underachiever sites"
into major OVERachievers!

Here's that link again:

Make sure you get in the loop, so you can stay updated on
the events as they unfold... and I guarantee you'll get a
big lesson in marketing along the way if you keep your eyes
peeled ;)
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Lynn Terry
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Posts: 14504
Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:01 am
Location: TN, USA

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