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About this week's issue of SSWT...

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About this week's issue of SSWT...

Postby Lynn Terry » Fri Nov 05, 2004 1:43 pm

I really appreciate all of the wonderful feedback and kind
comments about this week's issue of Self-Starters Weekly
Tips, titled "Earn Thousands in Christmas Cash! Here's how:"
- thank you, and keep those comments coming!

It was a LONG issue - and I realize that some of you may not
have had the opportunity to read it all, or may not have even
received it at all. I have put it online so that you can
bookmark it and refer back to it as often as you like. You
can find that issue here: ... 110304.htm

You may also download it in PDF format, if you prefer to read
it offline or share it with a friend. You can download here: ... online.pdf

You'll find an MP3 version of this weeks issue there as well.
Nothing fancy, just a little talk from me to you that will
allow you to "listen in" while you are working or going about
your other tasks ;)

You should download Andre Chaperon's Affiliate Marketing
Guide, too - which you can get here:
There is some great information in this quick guide, and
it's a good read. Very bold, fun and well-illustrated!

One more tool for you - that will make your life SO much
easier if you are setting up Pay-per-Click campaigns. This
is a must have! Adwords Wrapper which you can find at Mike's
Marketing Tools:

" AdWords Wrapper is a free time saving tool that wraps
keyword phrases in 'quotation marks' (phrase match) and
[square brackets] (exact match) for use in Google AdWords

You can find it online at: ... apper.html

It's a huge time-saver!! And if you aren't using 'phrase
match' and 'exact match' versions in your keyword lists...

And... I would like to share an article with you that I wrote,
which has been published at Alice Seba's Internet Based Moms
site. It is titled "Why Competition is a GOOD Thing!" which
you can find online here: ... ition.html

**** All of these things fall right in line with this week's
issue - and should help you to move forward even faster, with
the right tools in hand and the right frame of mind! ****

Have a great weekend! :wink:
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Lynn Terry
Site Admin
Posts: 14504
Joined: Wed Mar 26, 2003 9:01 am
Location: TN, USA

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