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Leads Generation Software Joint Venture Offer - No Cost!

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Leads Generation Software Joint Venture Offer - No Cost!

Postby Michael-Instantleads » Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:49 am

Hey there JV Lovers,

Simon James here from Instant Leads

I am seeking a joint venture with any interested parties to
promote my virtually unreleased software.

I am NOT looking for more affiliates or downline members,
as I don't have time to manage the 1700 affiliates/downline
members that I already have.

What I am offering is an exclusive deal to market and sell
ILEADS (Instant Leads Exclusive Automated Delivery System)
in nutshell our software installs to any website server and
automatically generates leads and sells those leads to your
customers in real time. IT has all sorts of wonderful features
and can allow a complete newbie to become a Leads
Generating Giant in the industry.

To view the site (currently temporarily down due to server
migration) go to

The software sells for $498 for the Lite version and $998
for the Pro.

Generally speaking each sale will make you $250-$500.

The software is well tested and virtually sells itself.

Instant Leads has the following recourses that can be
utilized by the right candidate...

- 40 Million+ Opt-in Leads (4 million Opt-in MLM downline member leads.
- Ability to send 1 (can go up to 5 million in needed million email a day.
- Almost unlimited advertising contacts.

So why don't I just do this ourselves you may be thinking.
Good Question. Well the honest truth is we could. Problem
is after almost 2 years designing and programming the
software I am completely exhausted. I can barely even keep
up with the 100 Plus emails each day that I reply to. I
simply don't have the time or energy to do this.

Ideally we are looking for one person or company who will get
a trial 30 day exclusive contract to sell our software how ever
they can. After 30 days the contract will be renewed on a 90
days basis.

This software can be easily sold to anyone from webmasters
to the estimated 50 million network marketers. If you have ability
to market to network marketers then you will find this offer too
almost good to be true. Please contact me with a achievable idea
of what you would be able to do to market this software, all
reasonable offers will be seriously looked into.

We have done all the hard work, now we just need someone
to come in and take their share.

Please email me directly anytime, or catch me on

ICQ - 249-564-207
MSN Messenger -

Thank for your time, I appreciate your reading.

Simon James
Instant Leads
Posts: 1
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 3:47 am

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