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copywriter looking for high ticket JV deals

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copywriter looking for high ticket JV deals

Postby Bensettle » Mon May 16, 2005 12:41 am


I'm a copywriter always on the lookout for people with high ticket ($300.00 and up) products to sell. I don't do client work, instead what I do are 50/50 joint ventures - where I create all the sales letters and promotions in exchange for 50% of the sales. No fees, no obligations. If my stuff doesn't work, nobody gets hurt but me. If it does work, then you and I make a lot of money together.

If you are interested, please send me the details of your product via the feedback form at:

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Postby avrr » Mon May 16, 2005 11:40 am

Not a good settlement Ben Settle :)

Say I paid another copywriter $300 - $1000 for a sales letter for a product worth $300.00 . After 31/3rd sale everything will be my profit. Why on earth I take your offer and pay $150.00 for every sale?

May be you should restrict for first few sales or any other ...
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look at it long term

Postby Bensettle » Mon May 16, 2005 12:50 pm


Actually, it's an excellent deal. Some of the savviest marketers - both online and offline - routinely do these deals.

You just have to look at things long term.

You have to take into consideration all the future work that will be put into the advertising to keep it alive for years and years and years (done for free, basically), the dozens of extra joint venture deals that will be made from having another person (with a separate network of contacts and with access to dozens of lists you won't have access to alone - this can add up to several thousands of dollars you wouldn't see otherwise) working to market the product, even the ads which the copywriter will pay for to market the product too (where you both still split the profits 50/50 - again, money you would never see otherwise).

Plus, you have no upfront fees to pay, no obligations to even run the ads, much higher quality work (you won't get nearly as good a job out of someone working for a flat $1000, or even for a small percentage of sales, as you will from someone with a long-term vested interest in the project) etc etc etc.

There are dozens of variables with this kind of deal that make it extremely profitable. That's why some of the savviest marketers - both online and offline - routinely do them.

Besides, if you are on a budget and can't hire a really good copywriter (the top ones will charge a lot more than $1000 - more like $8,000 and up. I know I woud if I was still doing regular client work instead of JV's), but have a good product that has a hungry market, it's virtually the only wya you can get the ones who charge several thousand without paying any up front fees.

It's only a bad deal if you look at it in simple up-front costs.

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Postby Dave Navarro » Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:57 am

Ben, check your PMs.
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