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How to Generate Free MLM Leads--Become Like Water My Friend

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How to Generate Free MLM Leads--Become Like Water My Friend

Postby relyonhim7 » Sun May 10, 2009 2:56 pm

Generating free mlm leads is the cry of over 98% of network marketers who are failing in the industry. Who wants to pay for leads when you can attract them on your own? Unfortuately, lead generation is a skill that many have not yet mastered yet. The key is to become like water. One of my favorite martial artist and the best of all time is Bruce Lee. He spoke of this technique in becoming like water when defeating opponents. I want to embark on how to become like water so that you can generate more leads and more sales for your business.

Consciousness of Other people

Becoming the consciousness of other people will give you the ability to attract all the free leads you so desire. Always ask yourself, who is my target market? What are they looking for? How can I accomodate their need? Thinking in this way will give you the answers you so deserve. Becoming like water in this sense will give you the ability to flow towards the most efficient answers to your problems, which is mlm lead generation.

Become the Prospect

At one time of another, you were once a prospect right? Before you found the business that most suited your interest, you probably did some extensive research on Google to check out the company, compensation plan, leaders, etc. Becoming the prospect will also help in your abilities to generate free mlm leads. Most people search Google with a question. What would you search for if you wanted to learn a skill? Become the prospect and you will never have to pay for another lead again.

As you can see, generating free mlm leads is not a difficult task at all. When you finally understand the psychology of these tips, you will subconsciously find yourself marketing in such a way where you are attraction people from all parts of the world.
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Joined: Fri Jan 26, 2007 6:27 pm
Location: Tulsa, OK

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