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Building Your Sales Funnel, A Getting Started Guide Part 1

PostPosted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:19 pm
by Shaye ~ proud wahm

How do I structure a basic sales funnel?

A sales funnel consists of the following elements and systems;


As much as you might like it, people are not sitting around waiting to join your opportunity or buy your product. You need entice the right person into your online sales funnel system using free offers, reports and memberships just to name a few. See below for a more ideas on what to offer people that is going to make them want to enter your sales funnel for more.

Capture System

You must build a capture system that includes a lead capture page that is specific to you and your business. This capture system should aim to collect information for you to follow up with prospects.

Follow Up

While the capture page has enabled people to opt into your auto responder or follow up system always redirect this same traffic to other websites you are using but using the thank-you page or subscription confirmation nomination that most quality auto responders give you.

Aim to provide valuable & useful information as well as educate them on your products and services. Ensure there is ongoing visibility with a emphasis on branding yourself as a leader, who is reliable and trustworthy. When people stay on your list it is because they want to know more or they value what you have to say. So email them regularly, but do not spam your opt ins with tons of messages and useless offers.

Below are a few ideas on info products that you can package in order to get you started enticing and retaining prospects:

* Books
* E-Books
* Special Reports
* Resource Guides
* Manuals
* Workbooks
* Journals
* Audio (downloads, CDs, or cassettes)
* Video (downloads, DVDs, or VHS tapes)
* Home Study Courses or Tutorials (usually a mix of different types of media)

Not only do these products allow your customer to work into the top tier products and services, but, selling these products on your website gives you passive income. Never knock the input that passive income can have to your ultimate business success.

** That’s money that is automatically flowing into your account.

** Again this gets even better, selling these products didn’t require your working X hours for Y dollars.

** These sales come in 24/7, and you don’t have to be around to make the sale.

** Use the money generated from upfront sales to invest in your business advertising/development.

** A passive income contributes to any ongoing costs, such as auto responder, hosting etc or any other costs your business incurs on a monthly basis.

Resource Box - Author Shaye Richardson
Mentor to your marketing success.