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Building Your Sales Funnel, A Getting Started Guide Part 2

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Building Your Sales Funnel, A Getting Started Guide Part 2

Postby Shaye ~ proud wahm » Fri Jun 06, 2008 10:24 pm

Welcome to part 2 in the series of building your sales funnel, a getting started guide.

For the previous post in this series please refer to my previous post.

Add Pulling Power To Your Funnel

We’ve already talked about the necessity to entice potential customers to enter your funnel using items such as e-books, reports and so on, but don’t stop there. Never overlook the ability to produce your own tele classes or tele seminars, delivered over the phone, or even Webinars, taught over the Internet. These require your direct involvement, but allow you to teach many people at once and use the presentations/calls for future training or lead generation.

These formats also allow you to make a great deal more money per hour, and they give your prospects access to you for a lower fee than hiring you one-on-one. These can also be recorded and sold as another product and another means of income.

Review Your Existing Sales Funnel

Take a few minutes right now and sketch out YOUR funnel. Take a look at the different programs that The Global Mentors Team use in our funnel. In order for any business to succeed, you need to take a long look at what you are offering your prospective customer or client. If you only have products or services at the top and bottom of the funnel, you are losing those prospects who would love to join you, but, need the time to work into the high price point opportunity. So what do you do then?

Diversify Your Sales Funnel Flow

By providing products and opportunities at various price points you will increase your chances of someone making a purchase from you now or in the future. In time as your skills grow, you can incorporate multiple opportunities at a similar price point and target market and build multiple streams of income from your original successful design.

Basic Elements Of A Profitable Sales Funnel

Ok, let’s recap what we have learnt so far about the basics of getting started building your sales funnel.

1. Entice registrations via product giveaways, tele seminars etc..
2. Create a capture system - a lead capture page
3. Create a series of follow up messages - use an auto responder such as aweber.

Educate and lead people to where you want them to go and in doing so you will build a list and push leads through your sales funnel all at the same time.

Resource Box - Author Shaye Richardson
Mentor to your marketing success.
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Shaye ~ proud wahm
Posts: 70
Joined: Sun Mar 09, 2008 3:15 am
Location: Australia

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