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How Can You Potect Yourself From Internet Scams ?

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How Can You Potect Yourself From Internet Scams ?

Postby successhelper » Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:45 pm

How Can You Potect Yourself From Internet Scams ?

The Internet is largely unregulated.
Sure, there are some "rules" that are being enforced... when possible... and there have been a few programs shut down and their owners prosecuted, but only after many thousands of people lost millions of dollars.
But what happens then?

Under the very best of conditions, the authorities confiscate all the money and then the lawyers take over and start to try to unravel everything. That could take a long time... maybe years... and if you happen to be one of the victims who lost money, don't count on seeing anything.

Why? Because the lawyers are paid from the money that was in the program. After all, they don't work for free and their fees have to be paid somehow. The more money there is in a program when it gets shut down, the more complicated the mess... and the longer it takes to get everything straightened out.

The result is predictable... the lawyers get paid and you get nothing.
But it gets even worse... because many of the programs on the Internet operate beyond the reach of the authorities. What happens when someone in Belize or Panama or Malaysia or Nigeria gets your money? What chance do you have of getting your money back then?
Zero chance.

Don't believe me? Then think about this...
According to an article in Forbes Magazine, one of the richest men in the world is a fellow named Calvin Ayre... a 44-year-old billionaire living in Costa Rica who made his fortune by taking illegal bets over the Internet.
According to a Justice Department official who works on Internet gambling crimes, “Online gambling, whether it is located offshore or not, is illegal when it comes to the United States and its citizens.”

But U.S. authorities are unable to do anything to stop Ayre from continuing to make money from his online activities.
What's my point?

My point is that the Internet is a lot like a huge city without a police force.
Imagine ANY large city without a police force and what would you expect to happen?
The criminals would take over!
In many ways, that's exactly what's happened on the Internet!
While you may not have to worry about getting robbed at gunpoint on the Internet, in many ways it's worse.
The criminal who points a gun at you steals your money. Money can be replaced.
The criminal who tells you that you can get rich by sending him your money steals your money... and your time... and sometimes your hopes and your dreams.

Can you replace even ONE DAY of the weeks and months and years they've stolen from you? No. How can you put a value on that?
And how can you put a value on all the hopes and dreams of millions of people who have simply given up because every time they trusted someone they got robbed?
You can't. All you can do is protect yourself, cut your losses, and go forward.

How can you protect yourself? How can you stop being a victim?
The ONLY way is to learn their tricks!
You have to learn what they do and why it works so well to fool so many people.

Until you do, you'll continue to lose more and more money... you'll continue to go deeper and deeper into debt... you'll continue to waste weeks and months and years... and you'll continue to watch your dreams and your goals and your hopes fade from view.
So let's get started learning how you can protect yourself!

But before we do... make a promise to yourself that you won't spend one more dime online until you've finished reading every page in this book.
If you'll do that... you can mark today as the day you stopped being a victim!
If you want to know more, you can get the FREE Internet Wealth Report and the Stop Being A Victim ebook at my website.
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Postby karynsolo » Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:23 am

The world of scams goes way deeper than just this example posted above. is the best resource for understandable information about every scam known to man. I encourage anyone who receives emails, does business online or just surfs the net to go to the site and read up and learn.
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